
!! I’m Vino! I’m a painter from the USA, currently based in Thailand. Though we don’t really see with our eyes, I create pictures in hopes to awaken sensitivities of dormant memories, an allure for future daydreams, splendid glimpses of parallel worlds... 

I don’t recall a time in my life where I wasn’t drawing. I have a “thing” for creating subtly dizzy, warped, melancholic  portraits, laced with the splendor and grief of girlhood. 

Endowing the creation cycle- the snake eats his own tail.✧

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Rai was born into an artist family that was saturated with  global travel, world culture and art.  She has worked in the events world for large brands but feels most at home with small businesses and working with her true love-Art!

Artist Statement:
My work is inspired by the belief that the unseen world is here to help. There are many planes of perception, and in the unforeseen valleys and forests of life are revelations that can find us and give us kindness, excitement, grace, and healing. I am searching for that mysterious, lovely benefactor concealed in the environment around us, the hidden personality with an unknown gift.

I am a mixed media artist that grew up in different countries in Asia, Europe, and America and have found my home here in Utah. I am fascinated and activated by ancient stories, world cultures, fairy tales and nature.

I use a mix of highly textured mediums and tissue papers along with many, many layers of translucent glazes to bring my inspiration to life, often including messengers with healing symbolism, flowers and jewels.